

Yoga Teacher (Founder) - Ayurvedic Therapist

Namaste. My name is Nischal Ghale, I was born in Rishikesh, India at the valleys of the Himalaya. I studied mainly Yoga and Vedic Knowledge. My Master’s name is Shri Prabhuji (Surya Prakash), my main teachers are my mother Anita Ghale, Siddharta Krishna, Usha Devi - who was a very close student of B.K.S Iyengar and still has Yoga Classes in the Omkarananda Ashram - and Dr. Szkopincev Dmitrij Ivanovics.

I came to Hungary at age of 21 because of an invitation, later I started a family here and it’s 12 years ago that I began to teach Yoga and do Ayurvedic Treatments. Meanwhile I had lots of Workshops in Germany and Slovenia. Currently I work in Budapest and Siófok.

My Yoga Classes are a special mix of Hatha Methods, Medical Yoga Exercises by using props. According to my philosophy the development of the physical body and the mental level is important evenly, because the source of the illness is often the thought. Beside me You get on the way so far as much energy you invest. On the private appointments there is opportunity for receiving an Individual Yoga Program or Ayurvedic Guidance.

In the case if the physical symptoms don’t get better by practice of Yoga and balancing the mind, the time will come to help the body by the personalized Treatments of Ayurveda. The main areas are (according to the type of the body): re-establishment of the metabolic process, soothing of the symptoms of digestive and nervous system, controlling the overweight. Moreover there are methods to treat the spine by Ayurvedic, manual therapeutic way incorporated Medical Yoga Exercises.

What I do - I do all of my heart. What I do, I don’t believe - I know. What I do, it’s not job - it’s a vocation.



Ayurvedic Therapist

Hello. I am Amrita Ghale, come from a small town called Rishikesh (India).

I had been working as an Ayurvedic Therapist for a long time in Hungary at the Calendula Clinic. In 2014 I went home to India because of the motivation to study more in Ayurveda. I started to work at the Ayurmax Private Hospital and had been continued my studies for 2 years in India.

My specialties are the Rejuvenating Treatments of the Women by Ayurvedic Massages, various cures and natural beauty treatments and application of medicinal herbs. 



Yoga Teacher - Therapist Assistant

Hello. My name is Peter Berki, I was born and grew up in Baia Mare (Romania). Medicine was always close to my family as one of my grandfathers was a Pediatrician and the other one was a Pharmacist. Both of them had a great impact on me but my life has turned out differently at my young age. I graduated as a philologist at Liberal Arts at the German-English Faculty of the Northern University and I had been a professional football player for almost 11 years.

Due to a smaller injury I got acquainted with Yoga and then with Ayurveda through Nishu during a season in Siófok. I was impressed by this ancient knowledge and I knew immediately that it will be my new profession.

Due to my past in high performance sport I also adopt TRX exercises to my Yoga Classes to gain the essential flexibility and strength for the Asanas, because these prepare the body for the high-level technical performance thereby reducing the risk of injuries. In addition I continuously extend my knowledge in Philosophy and Ayurveda.

I believe that to do something is only rewarding if you do it well so I read several Indian-origin specialized literature, learn authentic Ayurvedic Therapies and my final goal is travelling to India next year to improve my knowledge.

My deepest desire is to help people and who honours me with his / her confidence, that can experience it.



Yoga Teacher - Therapist Assistant

My name is Erika Kardos, I come from a small village from Eastern Hungary, I finished my studies in Eger and Budapest and I worked for many years at a multinational company. Then I moved to Siófok, where I was a designer and operator of a vegan bar. It became clear to me that my job is to deal with people.

I met Nishu in Siófok, I am walking with him on the path of Yoga and Ayurveda, on which I feel that I am getting answers on my questions.

Whether it is a Tuesday yoga class in Siófok, a Bohinj yoga camp, a ski trip together or the days spent in India at the foot of the Himalayas, I experienced such things with him which basically changed my life.

I'm constantly learning from him and I am also trying to pass on this knowledge to inspire those which honor me with their trust, like in yoga class, Ayurvedic Treatments, on the street, on the train, anywhere with a smile, handshake, understanding.



Yoga Teacher - Massage Therapist

I have been playing sports since my childhood, I practiced athletics but football was my everything. The first 20 years passed by. Then everything changed. The only sure thing in life is change.

I was raised Catholic but I had the feeling that it is not complete, something is missing. I read spiritual books: Life after life, Osho and several other pieces of interesting and nondescript authors.

First, I practised Yoga from books and then I was looking for a teacher. It was terrible. I didn’t find anywhere what I was seeking. Of course, I didn’t even know what Yoga is actually all about, because I didn’t have knowledge either. I was only searching for something. Then I had the idea attending to a Yoga Teacher Course to get what I imagined.

I met my first teacher, Peter Domokos in 2007. As a Buddhist Theologist he taught Iyengar Yoga (B.K.S Iyengar is a world-famous Yoga Teacher from India, which worked out a unique style and an internationally-acknowledged system and is an author of several philosophy books). It was a though 1,5 year, especially for him. Poor thing, he worked a lot to make something from me. I will always be thankful to him for his instructions and knowledge he gave and still giving me, because I usually attend his classes, workshops, moreover we went together to an adventure to India few years ago.

In 2007 I met Nischal Ghale, my second mentor. I also learnt Iyengar Yoga and Yoga Philosophy from him. It was a pleasure to see how a person from India teaches in the spirit of Yoga. At the same time, I received a theoretical and a practical knowledge that he helped me to adopt to my everyday life. It was amazing.

To this day I usually attend classes and workshops of international teachers even in India, Germany or Hungary. It’s important for me to keep constantly learning and improving myself.

I have been working as a Rehabilitation Massage Therapist and Yoga Teacher at a Sport Medicine Doctor in München since 2012, treating healthy patients and people with health problems as well. Furthermore in 2015 I finished a Medical Yoga Course in Germany.

It is a longer story what Yoga gave me and what Yoga is for me. My advice: Just get lost in it, that is it.

Everyone has his / her own character, as it is written in teaching, too. I teach Yoga in a completely different way than the majority of the teachers. I add something to it which is only mine: the knowledge and experience I have been trough. There will always be something to learn. It will never end but so does this short introduction. Thank you for taking your time to read it. Hari om



Yoga Philosophy Specialist

Twelve years ago, at the Calendula Clinic, my first Yoga session started with missing from that session. Because of my physical pain I thought that I could not move and I neither wanted to do "this thing." But the pure-muscle Indian young man - Nishu – didn’t care about this at all, who I have never seen before. He came up to my room and with fine violence he “forced” me to go the Yoga room - I've been there since then.

I could experience immediately Yoga's usefulness, I have experienced it and it became part of my everyday life. As most people, I also wanted to understand what it is REALLY that is so attractive and does not let me go. I had to notice that in the course of several years of research, the "will" was replaced by "understanding, acceptance”. "And finally I understood the full meaning of YOGA. Not a definition, not a mental product, but a hunch, a tune-up to the possibility of continuous spiritual development. Optional path, and as such individual.

The only support at the beginning is that you deeply understand / live through what avidja, what jama and nijama means. (Exercising of the Asanas supports the process of understanding.) While patiently and carefully studying the meaning of the above, or else, the way in which the comprehension of understanding becomes more and more common in you, unnoticed, but your personality changes. And this is what the YOGA’s developed knowledge, as a recommendation, unfolds to you.

We are lucky to speak Hungarian because Dr. Baktay Ervin wrote in Hungarian the original lines of the Bhagavad Gita and made it understandable to us the source. I read it in vain several times, the real understanding appeared with the teaching of J. Krishnamurti. This is a long way to go because to tune in to Krishnamurti also takes a for a while.



General Manager

Hello. Welcome to our website. We created this interface for you to get first-hand information from an Indian professional about Yoga and Ayurveda, and of course about our Team. Beyond professionalism, the main virtue of the people working here is that they have a great heart and are committed to helping others. My job in this is to support their work. We are not perfect, but here everyone gives their best knowledge, and people feel it.

I met this Indian method of illness when I was treated at an Ayurvedic clinic in 2013. I was healed and changed my image of the world. Anyone who feels that his or her life is not going in the right direction, that he/she will get sick if he / she continues this way, or if the first symptoms already appeared, if he / she is looking for answers and wants the change, the Yoga and Ayurveda will give the opportunity. You don't have to believe anyone, you just have to trust in your own experience. That is, you have to try.

I wish you to find your own path and live a happy life because then the world will already become a better place.
