What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is an ancient system of healing documented in the Vedas and practised by the Rishis in India. Ayur means life and Veda means science, therefore Ayurveda means the "Science of Balance in Life".

Ayurveda incorporates the knowledge of the five elements: Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth, which create of the three Doshas (Life Forces): Vata= Space & Air, Pitta= Fire & Water and Kapha= Water & Earth. The three Doshas are constantly changing with our lifestyle, food, environment & company we keep.

The 3 Doshas & their True Nature

VATA: Dry, light, mobile, expandable, quick, cold, rough, clear & astringent
PITTA: Hot, penetrating, foul smelling, liquid, sour and pungent taste
KAPHA: Soft, well built, slow, poor appetite, cool & pleasant appearance

Typical Indications of Imbalance

VATTA: Dryness, skin disorders and pain
PITTA: Burning, fever and vision impairments
KAPHA: Obesity, cough, cold and Asthma

All constitutions can have Abhyanga Oil Massage with a slight variance on the Oil and pressure used. An Ayurvedic Massage by a Wellness Consultant soothes the nervous system, rejuvenates the skin, bestows youthfulness & longevity, as well as relaxes body & mind. One can receive a traditional 4-hand massage as part of Panchakarma Therapy, whereby 2 Technicians work simultaneously to smooth the body with warm Oil... The next issue we will discuss this further.

VATTA: Warm Sesame Oil with slow movements
PITTA: Cool Coconut Oil- which is best used in Summer
KAPHA: Warm Sesame Oil with fast movements

We can all achieve balance in life with awareness of the mind through Meditation & Breathing practices, awareness of the body through Massage  & Yoga, and awareness of the Self through Grace, Spiritual Healing and feeling connected to the Divine or Cosmic Consciousness.  


The Way to Health

Health is not just freedom from disease. For good health, the joints, tissues, muscles, cells, nerves, glands, and each system of the body must be in a state of perfect balance and harmony. Health is the perfect equilibrium of the body and mind, intellect and soul. Health is like the flowing water of a river, always fresh and pure, in a constant state of flux.
Humans are a combination of the senses of perception, the organs of action, the mind, the intelligence, the inner consciousness, and the conscience. Each of these is worked on by the practice of Yoga.Yoga Asanas help to ensure an even distribution of bio-energy, or life-force, which brings the mind to a state of calm. A practitioner of Yoga faces life not as a victim, but as a master, in control of his or her life situations, circumstances, and environment.


Asanas balance the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, hormonal, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems perfectly. The equilibrium in the body then brings mental peace and enhances intellectual clarity. Harmony of body and mind Asanas cater to the needs of each individual according to his or her specific constitution and physical condition. They involve vertical, horizontal, and cyclical movements, which provide energy to the system by directing the blood supply to the areas of the body which need it most. In Yoga, each cell is observed, attended to, and provided with a fresh supply of blood, allowing it to function smoothly. The mind is naturally active and dynamic, while the soul is luminous. However, unhealthy bodies tend to house inert, dull, and sluggish minds. It is the practice of Yoga which removes this sluggishness from the body and brings it to the level of the active mind. Ultimately, both the body and mind rise to the level of the illuminated self. The practice of Yoga stimulates and changes emotional attitudes, converting apprehensiveness into courage, indecision and poor judgement into positive decision-making skills, and emotional instability into confidence and mental equilibrium.

A healthy body is like the flowing water of a river — always fresh and pure.


Panchakarma & Rasajana Therapy

Panchakarma means five treatments to remove toxins from the body and to support the natural rhythms of the body. It is a minimum of 14 days preventive and / or curative treatment to detoxify and cleanse the body and mind. It reinforces the immune system and leaves the body healthier, stronger and free from chronic ailments. The Panchakarma Detoxification Programme is an unique opportunity to cleanse and rejuvenate physically and mentally in a pure, spiritual, yogic environment. One should approach the program with the idea to retreat from normal life and use the time to connect to body, mind and soul. During your stay in the ashram you can also benefit from the 5 Points of Yoga.

Proper exercise (Asana)

Proper breathing (Pranayama)

Proper relaxation (Savasana)

Proper diet (Vegetarian)

Positive Thinking (Vedanta) and Meditation.

Panchakarma treatment is also indicated for healthy persons as it will boost the immune system. During the treatment program you will be provided with information about Ayurveda, Panchakarma and how to follow an Ayurvedic diet according to your constitution. Special treatments are also available for: rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, neck pain, disc problems including degenerative diseases, anxiety and other mood disorders.

Panchakarma-Nishu Yoga

Graha Chikitsa

Ayurveda is a very ancient medicinal treatment and a combination of eight treatment methods called as Ashtang. Graha Chikitsa is one of Ashtang Ayurveda treatment. Graha Chikitsa Treatment is used to cure the patient who is suffered from mental diseases. Graha Chikitsa deals with the diseases of mind or psychic conditions, which can be caused by mystic forces or attack of some evil spirit.
Experts have explained the word bhuta in different ways. According to some experts ‘bhuta’ means ghosts and similar bad spirits who cause abnormal psychological conditions. According to some others, ‘bhuta’ represents microscopic organisms such as virus, bacteria that are not visible to naked eye. In modern terminology, it can be considered as idiopathic diseases in which the exact cause of disease is unknown.
The Aurvedic Treatment Graha Chikitsa also believes in the past karma or deeds as a causative factor of certain diseases. It uses various methods in treatment of a patient. It deals with the causes which are not visible and have no explanations. These are cured by Graha Chikitsa Treatment.


Benefits from Graha Chikitsa

Since Graha Chikitsa believes in past deeds and supernatural elements it tries to cure the patient by using of herbs. Ayurvedic Physician tries to cure the patient by removing supernatural elements and psychiatric problems. Almost all mental problems are removed by using Graha Chikitsa Treatment methods.

Procedure Involved in Graha Chikitsa

There are lots of procedures involved in Graha Chikitsa treatment. At first Ayurvedic physician tries to find out the causes of the diseases. He tries to know the back ground of the mental diseases which affected the patient. After knowing the causes and background, he uses various methods to cure the patient.


Treatments & Therapy

Abhyanga Massage

Abhyanga is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic oil massage therapy for healing and detoxifying Body, Mind and Spirit. This ayurvedic detox and stress reduction therapy is performed by herbal oils. It incorporates an aromatic combination of oils prepared with herbs warmed and blended to your Dosha type. A variety of Ayurvedic techniques is applied to work along the energy channels of your body in a synchronized manner to restore the flow of vital energy, Prana, where it has become blocked. Lymphatic stimulation with ayurvedic herbal oils help squeeze out toxic accumulation from channels. Hence it is DETOXIFYING massage. Warm oil is the best remedy for Vata which is governing energy for healthy body and mind, Abhyanga oil massage initiates deep healing within cells. Hence it is one of the most popular therapy in Ayurveda Body work treatments. Abhyanga includes: Indian scalp and head oil massage, neck and shoulder oil massage, feet and legs oil massage, hands and palm oil massage, back massage and belly massage with oils. The session ends with steam therapy. Please note: Abhyanga Herbal Oil Massage Therapy is NOT a massage therapy. It differs from Western massage.


Kati Vasti, Oro Vasti, Griva Vasti

1. Alleviates numbness due to Sciatic nerve compression & most types of low-back pain.
2. Strengthens back muscles which maintain normal curvature of the spine the bone tissues.
3. Effective treatment for any type of back pain & spinal disorders, stiffness and other back concerns related to spinal disc problems.
4. Increases the circulation in the region & highly effective in inflammatory conditions.
5. Kati Vasti alleviates lower back conditions like Lumber Spondylosis, Inter vertebral disc prolapses, Lumbago (low back ache), and Sciatica.
6. Alleviates pain associated with fracture, dislocation, spinal tuberculosis and tumors.
7. Strengthens the joints, muscles and soft tissues around and enables you to resume back your work and activities.

Kati Vasti can be taken as a preventive treatment also. It helps avoid problems related to back and keeps your spine healthy. As medicated oil gets deeply absorbed into the skin it both nourishes and strengthens the muscles and nerves. This is the one of the best treatment for healthy bone, muscle, vertebrae, spine, and nerves of lower back.

Manual therapy

It basically means 'hands-on' physiotherapy treatment and as a term can be used to describe a broad range of treatments including but not limited to joint manipulation, joint mobilisation, soft tissue massage, and muscle energy techniques.

Relaxing massage with ayurdic oil

Marma Massage

Marma In Brief. The Marmas (vital points) are a very important part of Ayurvedic anatomy and surgery. A Marma point is defined as an anatomical site where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet up. There are 107 Marma points throughout the body.




The three Doshas

What is Dosha?

Ayurvedic philosophy is grounded in the belief that the 5 elements (Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth) manifest in everything in varying proportions. These 5 elements are expressed as 3 Doshas which are a combination of 2 elements (Vata= Ether & Air, Pitta= Fire & Water, Kapha= Earth & Water), Each person has a unique combination of Doshas from birth, Each Dosha has specific characteristics that manifest physically and mentally in our bodies. Doshas are also present in foods, medicines, the seasons and the environment, Ayurveda strives to balance these Doshas in our bodies using a combination of diet, medicines & lifestyle choices.


Vata characteristics: artistic, cold, dry, irregular, changeable, creative, thin, rough, brittle, light, movement, ungrounded, undecided, sensitive, forgetful, awareness, quick, perception, co-ordination light, subtle, anxious, insomnia, constipation, stiffness

Pita characteristics: competitive, hot, sharp, intense, regular, drive, passion, routine, anger, hungry, impatient, early, greying, smelly, muscular, jealous, dynamic, heat, energy, ruddy, intelligent, moist, oily, body, odour, sweaty, greedy, diarrhoea, heart, burn, heart problems, inflammation, stress, burn out

Kapha characteristics: heavy, slow, sluggish, dense, wet, secure, lubricated, enduring, steady, round, stability, endurance (physical, mental and emotional), softness, compactness, stamina, strength, flexibility, cold, smooth, oily, respiratory problems, allergies, weight gain, lazy


Recommended List of Yoga Books

ACHARYA CHARAKA — Charaka Samhita: Handbook on Ayurveda

DR. DAVID FRAWLEY — Yoga for your Type: An Ayurvedic Approach to Your Asana Practice

LAURA PLUMBP — Ayurveda Cooking for Beginners: An Ayurvedic Cookbook to Balance and Heal

SUNIL V. JOSHI M.D. (AYU) — Ayurveda & Panchakarma - The Science of Healing and Rejuvenation

VASANT LAD — Textbook of Ayurveda - Vol. 1: Fundamental Principles of Ayurveda

VASANT LAD — Textbook of Ayurveda - Vol. 2: A Complete Guide to Clinical Assessment
